Assignment 3

Due Week 9: A Draft of a NEH "Digital Humanities Start-up" Grant --- Following the NEH guidelines for "Digital Humanities Start-up Grants" (, you will work in teams (determined in class) to draft a Level I or II grant proposal. All grants must have a six-page narrative (single-spaced), regardless of level.  All grants should follow all requirements (except letters of support) spelled-out by the NEH, including appendices with appropriate mock-ups, design documents, and visuals.  The draft will be due at the start of week 9 and will be peer-reviewed in week 10.  The final proposal will be due during final exam week and will represent your "final paper" for the class. 

Miriam, Elaine, Chris, and Johanna: Please find links below to each project (there are a total of 9 projects, although not all may be accessible yet).  Review will take place in class on Wed, 2-5PM in 1278 Public Policy.  Thanks!


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